Joseph White

Joseph White

Class Year



Kenosha, Wisconsin



Joseph White ’24 chose Carthage for its nursing major, small class sizes, athletics programs. In addition to being a nursing student, Joseph is a thrower on the Carthage men’s track and field team. He has become the record holder in multiple events, earned all-American athlete status, won three Division III national titles.

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“Other students should consider the nursing major if they’re really passionate about providing care to people on a physical, 精神, emotional level.”

Joseph White, ’24

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because of their direct admission nursing program. I was thrilled to begin taking steps to achieve my career goals. I was also drawn to Carthage’s small class sizes and beautiful lakeside campus. Additionally, I heard great things about the Carthage track and field program from my high school coach and wanted to be a part of it.”

教师 mentors

“I built great relationships with some of the faculty within the nursing program. The faculty kept me motivated during challenging classes and supported me both in and outside the classroom. Their support helped me push myself during adversity and continually achieve academic success.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class at Carthage so far is the acrylic painting class I took over j项 my freshman year. Having an outlet to express my creativity and improve on a hobby was truly an enjoyable experience.”

Toughest class

“My toughest class at Carthage was Pharmacology. The class was very content-heavy and felt overwhelming — so passing increased my confidence in my academic ability.”

Golden opportunities

“Here at Carthage, I had the opportunity to speak at the 2022 President’s Dinner. It was a pleasure meeting the donors behind scholarships like the Kenosha Oaks Scholarship I received. I am appreciative I got the chance to share my story with them.”

Career goal

“After I graduate from Carthage, I hope to be employed as a registered nurse at a hospital. I am not sure on which department I would want to work in yet; however, I plan to come to a decision by the end of all my clinical rotations this year.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the Campbell Student Union. I really enjoy playing pool, table tennis, foosball with my friends there.”

Biggest surprise

“The biggest surprise so far has been how much my experiences here have helped me to mature and become the person I am today. I have undergone tremendous growth during my time here, I am truly proud of the man I’ve become.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“If you choose the nursing major, I advise you to find a strong support system among your peers to help you stay focused on your career goals. A support system is a great source of motivation and encouragement.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“My 8-year-old self would be very proud of my current career path. Although my career plans have changed a couple of times since then, I am passionate about the nursing path I’m on now.”